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Advising Arena

Welcome to the Advising Arena - a place for both advisers and advisees!

Undergraduate students are required to meet with their adviser at least once a year. Students can view their advising status, a visual reminder of whether they met this advising requirement, online through REGIS. Failure to meet at least once prior to the start of Spring term will result in a hold placed on their record which will prevent them from registering online.

Students may choose to print out one of the available advising meeting forms for their year of study (available here) and bring that with them to their meeting. Signed forms may be returned to the Office of the Registrar. Upon receipt of the form, a meeting will be recorded in the student database and your advising requirement for the year will have been satisfied.

Advisers have the capability to record their own meeting notes with advisees through REGIS. (Please see Online Advising Features for further details). Also through REGIS, advisers can place advising holds on their advisees at any time as well as indicate the student's advising requirement has been met and release advising holds.

Expected Student Learning Outcomes for the Academic Advising Experience

Through the academic advising experiences at Caltech,

  • Students will demonstrate the ability to make effective decisions concerning their degree and career goals.
  • Students will develop an educational plan for successfully achieving their goals and select courses each quarter to progress toward fulfilling that educational plan.
  • Students will demonstrate an understanding of the value of the general education requirements.
  • Students will utilize the resources and services on campus to assist them in achieving their academic, personal, and career goals.
  • Students will make use of referrals to campus resources as needed.
  • Students will be able to accurately read and effectively utilize a degree audit in their educational planning.
  • Students will graduate in a timely manner based on their educational plan.

Core Advising Guidelines