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Registrar  /  Records  /  Apostille


An apostille is a special seal applied by an authority to certify that a document is a true copy of the original. Apostilles are available in countries which signed the Hague Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalization of Foreign Public Documents, popularly known as The Hague Convention. According to the Treaty, a document originating in one Convention country is recognized in all other Convention countries. It bears the so-called "Apostille" stamp, which is a validation performed by the Superior office in the country and state where it was issued. The California Secretary of State provides authentication of public official signatures on documents to be used outside of the United States.

Former students who plan on working abroad may obtain an apostille for diplomas, transcripts, and letter of completion relating to degrees earned.

California State Seal


A requester must submit the following documents to the Office of the Registrar:

The Registrar prepares a cover letter that certifies the official documents or copies of the documents and the country to which the documents will be presented. Our office will have the documents notarized and will mail them to the California Secretary of State. Your apostille will be mailed back to you from the Secretary of State.

Mail to materials to:

Attn: Registrar's Office
California Institute of Technology
1200 E. California Blvd.
Mail Code 125-87
Pasadena, CA 91125

Need Apostille Sooner?

It is possible to obtain an apostille in person at the Secretary of State's Los Angeles office. Please see for more information.