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Bike BBQ

Saturday, October 15, 2011
4:00pm to 8:00pm
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The tradition returns! The Caltech BikeLab, Velo Club, Tri-Club, and JPL Cycling Club will be hosting a celebration of B-things that we love: Bikes, Beer, and Barbecue. Meet at the South Catalina Rec Room from 4-8 PM on Saturday, October 15th. Whether you're a complete beginner or can hammer for 5 hours straight, we'd like to see you. Spandex (bspandex, if we're continuing our love of B-things) is not required, but may be helpful in getting you in the right frame of mind.

We're also going to have a bike (and bike parts) sale at this event. If you have anything you've been thinking of selling or are looking to see if anything good pops up bring your stuff and/or checkbook. We'll provide labels and tables to display everything.

If you're interested in coming please RSVP to bikeshop AT caltech DOT edu so we can make sure to get enough food and drink for everyone.

For more information, please contact Paul Anzel by email at or visit

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